Fairy Tales Too Good To Miss—Along the Way by Lisa M. Ripperton
The second of two fairy tale anthologies for 5 year olds, each containing 36 stories specially selected for their literary merit, ethical soundness, and child appeal. Includes many well-known nursery tales, as well as a number of less familiar stories from a variety of sources. Attractive illustrations, many in color, accompany most of the tales.
Ages 4‑5 |
Fairy Tales Too Good To Miss—Up the Stairs by Lisa M. Ripperton
The second of two fairy tale anthologies for 6 year olds, each containing 36 stories specially chosen to appeal to this age. Four tales in this volume come from Uncle Remus and three from Kipling's Just So Stories, with the remaining selected from 24 different books, representing the Norse, German, English, Czech, and Japanese traditions. Numerous illustrations, some in color, accompany many of the tales.
Ages 6‑8 |
Fairy Tales Too Good To Miss—Beneath the Tower by Lisa M. Ripperton
The second of two fairy tale anthologies for 7 year olds, each containing 36 stories specially chosen to appeal to this age. Five tales in this volume come from Andersen, five from Pyle's The Wonder Clock, and three from the Norse, with the remaining selected from 19 different books, representing German, Irish, Czech, Finnish, Italian, and Russian traditions. Numerous illustrations, some in color, enliven many of the tales.
Ages 7‑9 |
Fairy Tales Too Good To Miss—Aboard the Ship by Lisa M. Ripperton
The second of two fairy tale anthologies for 8 year olds, each containing 36 stories specially chosen to appeal to this age. Three selections in this volume come from Andersen, five from Grimm, three from Ewing's Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales, and three from Pyle's Wonder Clock, with the remaining selected from 17 different books, representing the Norse, English, Czech, Finnish, Russian, and Swedish traditions. Numerous illustrations, some in color, add interest to many of the tales.
Ages 8‑10 |
Fairy Tales Too Good To Miss—Upon the Rock by Lisa M. Ripperton
The second of two fairy tale anthologies for 9 year olds, containing stories specially chosen to appeal to this age. Two complete books are included in this volume: Mulock's The Little Lame Prince and Dunbar's Sons o' Cormac. Almost all the other selections are literary fairy tales as well, including four from Kipling's Just So Stories and three from Browne's Granny's Wonderful Chair. Seven different books are the source for the rest of the tales. Numerous illustrations, some in color, accompany many of the selections.
Ages 9‑11 |
Fairy Tales Too Good To Miss—Out of the Cave by Lisa M. Ripperton
The second of two fairy tale anthologies for 10 year olds, containing stories specially chosen to appeal to this age. Three complete books are included in this volume: Thackeray's The Rose and the Ring, Lang's Prince Prigio, and Fouque's Undine. Almost all the other selections are literary fairy tales as well, including The Reluctant Dragon and individual stories from Nesbit, Stockton, de Morgan, and Hauff. Numerous illustrations, some in color, accompany many of the selections.
Ages 10‑12 |